Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trying to prevent 'absolutely catastrophic' situation in Haiti

International aid groups were feverishly trying to get supplies into quake-ravaged Haiti on Thursday to prevent the situation from going from "dire to absolutely catastrophic."The search-and-rescue efforts are the top priority."The ability to get people out of that rubble is paramount," said Jonathan Aiken, a spokesman for the American Red Cross. "You have a very limited time to accomplish that before people die and before you start to get into issues of diseases."Behind the scenes, a massive coordination effort involving dozens of aid groups, the Haitian government, the United Nations and the U.S. military was under way to get food, water, tents and other supplies to survivors of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake.Ian Rodgers, a senior emergency adviser for Save the Children, said aid efforts were at a "tipping point."

I agree with Jordan on the terribleness of the situation, it is hard to sit in this comphy chair looking at thousdands of dolalrs worth of electronics when there are poeple in the world with absolutly nothing, trapped unter a ton of rubble starving to deth. I hope that relief can come quikly to the survivors.

jordans blog


The United States are ignoring the appropriate paper work for Haitian orphans to leave the counry to fund new homes. All the children had perspective pending parents already lined up before the earthquake on tuesday putting the paperwork on hold due to an emergency basis. 300 children have pending parents in America, 6 had already arrived in Florida by Sunday night, met by there adoptive parents with open arms.

Nick's opinion on the matter is optamistic for the orphans new life. I agree with him that at least the orphans will have a much better life than what they probably would have had in Haiti once grown up. America is the land of opportunity and that is exactly what the families that are adopting these kids are giving them. A new start.

nicks blog

An e-mail from Haiti, then minutes later, a nightmare

Last Tuesday, from his room at the Hotel Montana near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, U.S. Air Force Maj. Ken Bourland sent an e-mail to his wife telling her that he was fine and had just settled in for what was going to be an exciting time taking a disaster preparedness course.It was 4:51 p.m. ET.Less than 10 minutes later, an earthquake leveled much of the Haitian capital, including the Hotel Montana."I had just clicked off the e-mail and was trying to find some cartoons for the kids to watch," she said. "And then I saw this breaking news. An earthquake. I thought, 'Did California get hit again?' Then I saw Haiti."

This is terrible. It is hard to imagine how hard it is to loose a beloved spouse, especially in a freak accident like an earthquake in Haiti, but at least there is some hope for this poor women. It is highly ironic in my opinion that she had been emailing him while he was in haiti and then just like that he is gone. I mean what are the odds that while your out of the country for a week there is an earthquake in the country that your in. It doesnt even make sense. Oh well that is how life goes. My heart goes out to their family and everyone affected in the Haiti earthquake.

3 pulled from grocery store; rescuers 'very close' to 2 others

Three people were rescued Sunday from the rubble of a grocery store, officials told CNN, and American and Turkish rescuers were "very close" to reaching two others, despite experiencing a dangerous setback.The Caribbean Supermarket was housed in a three-story building, which collapsed in Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake. A joint New York fire and police department search and rescue team, as well as a team from Miami, Florida, and a Turkish team, was working to free those trapped in the ruins.A man and a teenage girl were found alive by the New York team earlier Sunday, according to NYPD spokesman Paul Browne. Both were taken to a U.N. hospital at Port-au-Prince's airport, where the girl, about 13, was treated for leg injuries and the man treated for undetermined injuries. They are believed to be Haitian nationals.

It's hard to glance at the tv or listen to the radio without hearing about Haiti, it actially might be impossible. This earthquake stopped all other news in its tracks and is everywhere. It is hard to hear the stories coming from the disaster such as this one were people's lives are still at stake and everyone is in survival mode. It is great that people and rescue teams are still there trying to help all of the people suffering.

Surving the Earthquake

Counting today it has has been three days that Haiti suffered from a 7.0 earthquake. Many of the sources finding info on this situation say that peopel who were killed in the earthquake would have died within 72 hours. These people who are living here in Haiti are suffering because of the lack of resources needed to survive. These resources need to come and come fast because more people are dieing. Right now in Haiti water is one of the main resources needed especially because these peoplel ive in a in a dry and dusty area.The main goal of the rescue team is help people regain the lives they once had and restore peace.

It's terrible that the people of hati are living in desolation and with the flooding from the hurricane they are surounded by undrinkable water and no food. They wont be able to survive for long. If we can drop food supplies to them we they will be able to live for longer and maybe they can get everything cleaned up and back to better times.

Avatar is No. 1!

Avatar is rising to the top of the leader board and it doesn't look it's stopping anytime soon. For four straight weeks the move Avatar produced by James Cameron, is number one bringing in $48.5 million dollars.Avatar has taken over the spots of some the most beloved 3-D movies made including Pirates of the Caribbean and Spider Man.The big question that everyone is trying to figure is that if it will keep rising high enough to top the all time high movie known as the Titanic which brought in $600.8 million domestically and $1.8 billion globally. Avatar at this point is has brought in $429 million domestically and $1.3 billion internationally. This is going to be the site to see if Avatar knocks off the top movie ever made!

This movie sounds amazing! I have not had the pleasure of seeing the movie, but from what I hear the effects and the colors are amazing. If it takes over the number 1 spot of all time it's not that big of a deal because it's just James Cameron beating James Cameron which is very very impressive dont get me wrong, but begs the question, do the rest of us have a chance if this guy is still alive? Oh well cant wait to see this masterpiece of a movie.

Jimmy Louis and Haiti

This article is talks about the actor Jimmy-Jean Louis and how he finally was able to contact his parents in Haiti. He couldn't reach them since the earthquake until his sister found a way to get a hold of them. Jimmy says that physically his parents are doing well but emotionally they aren't doing so hot. They do not understand exactly what happened and are still shocked over the whole tragedy. Jimmy is now the founder of a fund called Hollywood unites for Haiti which allows children to participate in sports and education.

The Earthquake in Hati was a terrible tragady and my heart goes out to everyone who was affected by it. It is great that influential people like Jimmy -Jean Louis are taking action to help the vicims of the Earthquake. In times like this the world has to forget their differences and help eachother to fight the ultimate enemy (at times) mother nature.