Monday, November 30, 2009

U.S.-bound oil tanker hijacked off Somalia

The M/V Maran Centaurus was commandeered about 600 nautical miles northeast of the Seychelles, on its way to New Orleans, Louisiana, according to the Maritime Security Center.
The crew consists of 16 Filipinos, nine Greeks, two Ukrainians and a Romanian, said the security agency, which is run by the European naval force.The 300,000-ton tanker, which started out from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was seized Sunday. It had changed course westward, toward Harardhere or Hobyo, along Somali's central-western coast.Somali pirates have turned high-seas kidnappings into a lucrative business.Pirates have captured more than 50 ships this year off Somalia and are currently holding 12.

Wow, get a real job.... the pirates are lucky im not in charge or they would all be shot instantly, i dont have time for nonsence like this. Get a real job pirates. In other news vikings trapped the bears to a 36-10 victory. AP just isnt on his game anymore though, ill let it slide because he was sick this week, but i better be seeing some 50 yard TD runs in a hurry. wow that subject changed in a hurry, oh well, nobody cares about modern day pirates.

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