Monday, November 30, 2009

U.S.-bound oil tanker hijacked off Somalia

The M/V Maran Centaurus was commandeered about 600 nautical miles northeast of the Seychelles, on its way to New Orleans, Louisiana, according to the Maritime Security Center.
The crew consists of 16 Filipinos, nine Greeks, two Ukrainians and a Romanian, said the security agency, which is run by the European naval force.The 300,000-ton tanker, which started out from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was seized Sunday. It had changed course westward, toward Harardhere or Hobyo, along Somali's central-western coast.Somali pirates have turned high-seas kidnappings into a lucrative business.Pirates have captured more than 50 ships this year off Somalia and are currently holding 12.

Wow, get a real job.... the pirates are lucky im not in charge or they would all be shot instantly, i dont have time for nonsence like this. Get a real job pirates. In other news vikings trapped the bears to a 36-10 victory. AP just isnt on his game anymore though, ill let it slide because he was sick this week, but i better be seeing some 50 yard TD runs in a hurry. wow that subject changed in a hurry, oh well, nobody cares about modern day pirates.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ISSUE #1 -Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reform

Supporters of Universal health care want the government to run the health care system in the United States. They think that the Government can keep the costs low and keep the quality height for people who need care the most in the US. They also think this would add to the benefits of Medicare and Medicaid. The opposing side argues that the heath care market is best run by independent companies, as it is now. This competition will keep the market prices down and keep the quality up. The opposition also argues that since there are so many jobs connected to the current health care system that thousands upon thousands of people will go jobless and that will be bad for the economy.

I think that we should keep the health care system the way it is as of now. The independent companies in my opining do a good enough job keeping the quality of health care up and the costs down. At least in my small town of Alexandria MN. With the United States just reaching 10.2% unemployment, the highest unemployment percent in 22 years, I do not think that we need to terminate more jobs in the US, and that we can keep the system the way it has been forever. If it has worked for the last 100 years, why wouldn't it work now?

Person With my Opinion - Tim Pawlenty, MN Governor

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Iraqi parliament passes key voting law

Iraq's parliament on Sunday passed a long-awaited election law that the government said will allow national elections to take place in January.Officials had hoped to hold elections January 16, but Iraq's election commission said Sunday the elections will take place later than that -- but before January 31, the constitutional deadline.Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in a statement, called it "a historic victory of the will of the Iraqi people" and a "strong response against the terrorists and the former regime members who are trying to undermine security and undermine the political process and return the country to the dark ages, injustice, tyranny and discrimination."

This is good for Iraq, I'm glad to see that they are sort of getting their democracy in order so we can get our troops out of there and maybe move some of them into Aphghanistan so we can finish that war without having a draft, then maybe have 30 years of peace in the world (hahaha). Oh well I can dream can't I?\

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What Americans owe to those who serve

Bob Greene was thinking about Halloween and how you dress up in costumes and then he started to think about how on Veterans day they dress up in uniform, but not for a silly purpose, but for a very serious one. He talks about how soldiers forced to quit their schooling and job and leave their family that they loved to start a new life and save their country. He asks that on this Veterans day we take extra special time to genuinely thank the solders who put their futures in jeopardy to save us.

I think this is a great idea. I would never want to be drafted into a war, and obviously nobody does, but sombody has to be and those who were drafted into Vietnam had their lives ripped away from them. When thinking about this it makes you feel very greatful that they went and makes you want to thank them. But it's not like they had a choice, so its like thank you for being chosen instead of me. For those that Chose to go fight, then there is a genuine thank you extended.

Dead wrong: Man attends own funeral after mix-up over body's ID

On the holiday known as the Day of the Dead, a Brazilian bricklayer walked into his own funeral.The sight of Ademir Jorge Goncalves alive shocked relatives, some of whom tried to jump out of the windows of the funeral home in southern Brazil.On November 1, some family members and friends had identified the victim of a car crash as the 59-year-old Goncalves. It turns out that it was a man that was missing from a nearby village and he was truly identified later that day.

First of all HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is hilarious. How could a family possibly think that this was part of their family and be wrong? And to see the man walk into his own funeral must have been highly confusing and scary for everyone that was there, but super funny to everyone else in the world, i bet that familys happy that this man didn't die (or maybe not seeing as they didnt even know what he looked like haha), oh well.

Ida kills 91 in El Salvador, heads for U.S. Gulf Coast

Flooding and mudslides triggered by Hurricane Ida's torrential rainfall have killed at least 91 people in El Salvador, and the death toll is expected to rise. As the storm -- which regained hurricane intensity overnight -- headed through the Yucatan Channel and into the Gulf of Mexico, a hurricane watch was issued Sunday for parts of the U.S. Gulf Coast. Ida also drenched Nicaragua after making landfall last week as a Category 1 hurricane, then weakened to a tropical storm.

I thought hurricane season was over, but i guess i don't really know seeing as I've never had to deal with them living in Minnesota. Oh well hurricanes are scary things, good thing this one was weakened to a tropical storm, because the last thing we need is another Katrina. But Hurricane Katrina was considered a good thing from the economic perspective, so maybe it would help our economy, oh well it still wouldn't be worth it. p.s. I like living in Minnesota!

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The New York Yankees win their 27th World Series title with a 7-3 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies. Matsui won the MVP award--in game 6 alone, Matsui drove in six runs.

I agree with Jordan's opinion of this. The Yankees are the worst team in the universe and they shouldn't have been allowed to win the world series.

Jordan's article -

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